Monday, June 1, 2015

My Experience with C-Diff

2015 started off with less than a bang.  I had a low grade fever all during Christmas week in Yosemite Valley, missed the New Year’s Day Hike and then a week later got the flu.  The flu was horrible, had more fevers, but I survived it after a week of bed rest and extreme fatigue.  The only lingering thing after a month was this burning sensation in my nose so I finally went to see my family doctor.  We decided to err on the side of caution and treat my sinus infection with antibiotics, just on the off chance it might lead to something else.

I started on a 14 day treatment of Cipro, but after a week I got a huge floater in my right eye.  I am not talking about a small floater, it was a ring and some other piece right in the middle of my vision.  Looking this weird coincidence up on google dredged up a number of people who had floaters after a treatment of Cipro so I called my doctor and we switched my antibiotic to Augmentin.

The Sunday after a week of Augmentin treatment I was supposed to go on a hike, but I kept having to go to the bathroom.  It was a massive bowel evacuation.  I thought “ok this is weird but I will take a couple of Immodium tablets and be fine”.  But when I got to my friend’s house to pick her up I knew this wasn’t normal and I had to go home.

I started having bouts of diarrhea several times an hour, it was really watery, smelled horrible, wasn’t like “normal” diarrhea at all.   I kept thinking “ok this is what happens when you take an antibiotic it’s normal”, but I kept getting worse, I started to have fainting spells and I had no energy.  I went back to the doctor’s office and saw the nurse practitioner who was suspicious because I told her this was like no diarrhea I had ever had before and I was running a fever.  She did a blood test and had me do a stool sample.  I had to wait for the stool sample results for 4 days.  Bad things started happening. I started having bloody mucous in my diarrhea, had horrible pelvic pain and I started vomiting.  My appetite went in the dumper and I drank electrolyte water and Pedialyte. In the meantime my doctor called and said my blood tests were pretty normal and he was pretty confident I didn’t have c-diff. 

Then on the 4th day my doctor called again and said the stool sample came back positive for c-diff and I needed to start on a treatment of Flagyl for 14 days right away.  When I was done with the 14 day treatment I should turn in another stool sample 3-4 days after the last treatment. I have to say I was devastated.  My daughter was staying at my house with my grandson and I was petrified about the contagion.  We washed all the towels and my clothes daily, did thorough hand cleansing, used Lysol in the bathroom and bleached the toilet.

I had very little energy, slept a lot, did research on c-diff and was very thankful my daughter was home.  Some of the scary things I discovered about c-diff are:  the only thing that will kill it is bleach, Lysol does nothing; people get c-diff in one of two ways either by taking antibiotics that kill all the good flora in their gut, or they are inpatients in a hospital and have immunosuppressed immune systems.  The best probiotic for people infected with c-diff and for people to take if you’re trying to be proactive is Florastor.  There are very few antiobiotics that will kill c-diff.  Flagyl is the first one that is administered and if that fails patients are given a course of Vancomycin.  Recurrences are common – ugh!

I dutifully got through 14 days of Flagyl and felt a little better.  The diarrhea abated and I was hopeful that debacle was over.  I turned in another stool sample 4 days after I completed my Flagyl treatments. The required four days went by and my doctor called and I said “ok how am I looking” and he said “the test came back negative!” Oh happy day!

A week went by and I started having pelvic pain, then massive bowel evacuations.  I immediately went back to the doctor and saw a different physician, by the time I got there I was running a fever AGAIN!  My blood pressure was low, lost weight (takes an act of God for me to lose weight) and I felt like I was going to pass out.  I submitted yet another stool sample.  I got through the night but I could tell the c-diff was back so I called my doctor and said look wouldn’t it be best if I started on the Vancomycin while we wait the requisite 4 days for the stool test results because I feel horrible.  Only one pharmacy in my town carried Vancomycin and they had 3 days worth but they would order more.  Within 3 days of taking Vancomycin I felt a lot better.  Then the stool results came back and they were negative but there was a disclaimer “you should wait at least 10 days after stopping antiobiotics before taking another stool test for c-diff because the result could be negative when you actually still have the bacteria.”  I think physicians should treat patients on their symptoms, especially if they have had a c-diff infection because waiting for 10 days with an untreated c-diff infection can lead to horrible complications.  Severe infections can lead to colon resections.

The Vancomycin has worked for me so far and I feel pretty normal.  I am about 6 weeks past my last Vancomycin treatment.  I still have pelvic pain if I eat something hard to digest and I’m staying away from things like nuts, salad, kale and grains.  I drink a Kevita or Kombucha probiotic drink every day, sometimes two, and adding a little Pedialyte makes me feel better.  One of my mainstays is white bread, I know go figure, but it’s easy to digest.  I also do well with nilla wafers and canned peaches.  I have started exercising and I don’t have the stamina I want to have but it’s coming back bit by bit.

Key Things to Know about C-Diff

·       It’s everywhere, people may be carriers, but most people probably have it already.  Clostridium difficile spores are extremely hardy, and can survive for long amounts of time in environments devoid of food so it can be in your gut and you wouldn't know it. Most people get C-diff as in-patients in the hospital because they are immuno-compromised, but if you take general antibiotics you are also at risk.

·       You need to make sure your gut is populated with good flora.  The best defense against C-diff is Florastor.  There are also good fermented products such as Kevita and Kombucha.  Bubbies dill pickles contain a lot of probiotic bacteria.  Take probiotics every day I don’t think you can overdo it.

·       Drink Electrolyte water

·       Pedialyte has electrolytes and dextrose that is easily absorbed

·       If you get a severe infection you will have colitis and notice blood and mucous with the diarrhea

·       DO NOT wait to go to your doctor.  The earlier you get treatment the better.  Some patients have to have their colons removed because of colitis.

·      The only thing that kills C-diff is bleach

·      Once you’ve had a C-diff infection you need to be really wary of taking    antibiotics

Friday, July 19, 2013


Welcome to my Ojai Trek's Blog! I am an avid hiker and I frequent many of the trails in Ojai.  Since I visit the trails in different seasons I thought it would be interesting to keep a blog of the changing flora, fauna and scenery.